Sunday, November 29, 2009


We had a great Thanksgiving with Ty's family. Part of our time was spent at His sister Rebecca's house and part at a house on Lake Lanier. THe weather was great; chilly, windy and very Thanksgiving-ish.

Here, Davis getting a little grub.
D is helping cousin Angel with her Dora chair.
Ty, his Dad and his brother after they gave their Dad a flag that Chuck, Jr had flown over the US Capitol last Dec. 2nd, the 20th anniversary of Chuck, Sr.'s return home from Vietnam.
D getting in some playtime
Us Parkers with Ty's cousin Travis and Ty's sister Rebecca, holding baby Isobel
The boys
D loves the girls cousins (Angel and Eleana)
Chuck Sr., his sister Maxine, Ty and Chuck's brother Mike, a happy crew.
I could eat the thanksgiving meal every day and not get tired of it.


Brooke said...

miss you! It appears to have been an awesome time! we are aiming for the next few weeks to come in between now and christmas. :) eeek!! I hope it works out to see you!!!

Chris said...

Great pictures - like the one with the flag. E