Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter etc...

Another warm, but beautiful Easter for us this year. Davis wore his new pink shirt, have I mentioned his LOVE of pink? What a cutie.
Hunting for eggs at Mimi and Papa's. He made the adorable bunny basket at preschool.

He kept making funny faces because of having candy stuck in his teeth.
Not a lot to say about this one, it speaks for itself...
The guys
We had a great time.
Beautiful azaleas still in bloom
Pre-nap reading with Mimi.
Post-nap snuggle with Daddy.
One more... Here's Virginia's room as it is currently.... lots of pink, I love it!
Hope your Easter was a blessed one!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

More spring

Spring has been a hot one, but better the past few days. We've grilled a few times and apparently Davis likes Daddy's hamburgers.
We celebrated Hanner and Pappy's 40th wedding anniversary with a pig pickin' at Aunt Rebecca's house. Davis found a pirate costume. He loved it, despite the 85 degree weather!
A Parker family picture....
Meanwhile at home, Ty and I painted the nursery.....
Progress, progress.....

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

New Room!

Davis' new "big boy room" is finally done (mostly)! Here are few pics of the carpet post-install and what it looks like with most of his stuff in it. It seems HUGE after what he has been in.
He's been a big helper too, hence the Home Depot apron
Seriously, doesn't Ty do great work? I love the way it turned out.
New carpet on the stairs, yay!
Disassembling his old room...
D peeking out into his new surroundings.
Mama and D having a chat before bed.
Daddy and D reading before bedtime.
Now on to Virginia's room....

Friday, April 01, 2011


Just 2 pics to update D's room. Only a few items left but for now enjoy these...

I Love this one of Davis helping Ty.
Nearly done!