Thursday, June 02, 2011

End of school and Baby Virginia

May meant the end of the Davis' 1st "school year". And wow what a year it was. He was a little unsure about the whole idea at the beginning of the year, but now absolutely loves it. His teachers were great and I'm so proud of him for having such a fun year!
The school had an end of the year program, Davis knew all the songs, just neglected to prove it that night! But he had fun.
A quick family picture..
D is big into boots these days. Here he is in his fireman get-up, no shirt needed.
There's a story behind these boots belonging to Daddy (they were a gift). No pants needed.
Here is a final pre-baby picture...
Then the story begins...
During the night of May 7th, I had some contractions, the painful, regular, not going away kind. They were better when I walked around, but always came back with regularity when I would lie down. No problem, except eventually you have to sleep. So around 3:30 am I decided I'd sleep. Haha. By 5 am, we were headed to the hospital. On the way there, I had NO contractions. After arriving and being checked in and hooked up I had a few here and there but nothing like at home. Of course.
By 7 am they decided I was not in labor and were sending me home. But first they wanted to do an ultrasound to check on the baby b/c her heart rate was too consistent, not moving around enough. So I was unplugged from the monitors and the ultrasound technician began her timed 30 minute test. Almost as son as she started, I started having contractions again. Very hard ones, 2-3 minutes apart. Wow.
During the test, she was able to determine that the placenta was in a good location (it had moved away from the cervix), the cord was not near the cervix (as was originally thought), and the baby wasn't breech, as she had been. Praise the Lord on all accounts.
So after 30 rough minutes, the attending nurse came in and told me I wasn't going anywhere, thank you, they had a shift change and I was grateful.
The nurse then hooked me up to a pressurized saline drip (the IV really is the pits, totally hurts and it took 3 times to find a good vein). Anyway, after 30 mins pass for the saline to go in, the anesthesiologist arrives, hear angels singing, and I get the epidural. Then all is well with the world.
Ty goes to get a few things out of the car since we are now going to stay for a while. While he is gone, the Dr. comes in to check things out and tells me that the baby's heart rate is still too even, and wants me to try some oxygen to get it to elevate. No luck, so she wants me to lie on my left side. If this is unsuccessful, a C-section will be in store.
Basically, due to various signs, it's a possibility that there is a placental abruption. This is when the placenta pulls away from the uterus, can be no problem, but might also cause stress to the baby. So if the heart rate goes up and down like normal then everything is fine. If it is even with no ups and downs, then possibility of stress.
So Ty comes back, I fill him in, and we pray for God to allow things to go well, whatever He chooses for us.
Then Dr. Carter returns, smiling and tells me everything looks beautiful and a C-section has been averted. Praise God! Now we just wait to progress normally... see below.

All looks good and after a push and a half, out comes Virginia Emily Parker at 11:42 am! Here's our fantastic neonatal nurse (and lactation nurse extraordinaire) Casey, Dr. Carter (in the blue) and Ty.
Here's Virginia..
5 lbs, 15 oz officially.
19 and 3/4 inches...
One happy mama!
One pleased daddy!
Hanner and Pappy visit...
Then big brother Davis has a look. His first words were "I'm going to take care of her", cute.
A little help with holding her..
Mimi and Papa come visit too...
Ahhh, I love hospital food. No, really.
A family photo!
Headed for home...
Seriously, you forget how small they are. It's like trying to strap in an insect.
Yay, home!
Another family pic...
Big brother keeping an eye on his little sis...
What a gift from God! We are so very grateful for His blessings and His mercies. What a glorious and generous God we serve!


Chris said...

Glad to hear the whole story - can't believe I didn't ask you for it before - although you've been sort of distracted:)

Maggie Pelton said...

I'm cracking up about the insect comment!! and that you love the hospital food {I do too}! Love that you included all the necessary pictures!