Davis has a couple of current favorites right now. He's a hands-on kind of guy so he loves this new workbench that Hanner and Pappy (Ty's parents) got him for his birthday. It just arrived on our front step. It's made in Germany and the box says it's a "Worky". Why do I think that's funny? As you can see, he is excited.
He immediately got down to business. Later he built me a bookshelf and a storage chest.
His other current fave is this push-wagon that he got for his birthday. I suggested to Grammy and Gwampa that maybe a push toy would help him learn to walk. As you can see here, he thinks he's pretty smart. Minor detail as to which side to be on. No, he really does push and walk with it, but he thinks this is great too. Obviously brilliant.
Can he build me a cold frame?
he's, obviously, he's brilliant! i love these pictures. great blog. also, I myself find "worky" quite hilarious. :) i definately giggled a little.
way to make smart babies ty and sarah!
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