Friday, July 31, 2009

Random updates

Ok, first thing's first..

Here is my indian chicken stuff from my pressure cooker. I have to admit, it looks a bit blah, but really it was fairly spicy and quite flavorful. Problem is, I have mad WAY too many indian-ish things lately and I think I am tired of it. I made some barley as well to serve it with.
Aside from all of that, I really liked the pressure cooker. The chicken was done in 9 minutes and the barley, which was unsoaked, cooked in 15 min. So a success as far as I'm concerned, I think I'll just try food from a different country.

Completely random, I love this china. In all fairness, I saw on Pioneer Woman's blog today that she was giving some away, but I didn't enter. It just reminded me of how completely awesome this pattern is (it's "Chirp" by Lenox, that in itself makes me want it) and also how I would have WAY too much china if I had spare $$. So rather than having it sit on in my cabinet, I'll just look at it here. Maybe I'll just get a mug, or a plate....


Brick update: The brick was delivered on Monday, in the grass. Please ignore the grass, it was pretty in May. That's what happens in the south, things are pretty in May, and then it doesn't rain for a few years, well weeks and then this happens. Avert your eyes.
So the brick was delivered and then, you'll never guess, it RAINED for 3 days. Of course! But today the guys came and started the work.
Just a little of it is up, but you can get the idea. And what a lovely concrete A/C pad that is!
Oh and here's my garden. I just planted some parsnip, green onion and kale seeds yesterday. I hope they liked the rain.
Also, notice the tent in the neighbor's yard... need I comment?

1 comment:

Brooke said...

i would like a pressure cooker now. great! :)

ps~ if i had any china, i would want it to look like THAT! Being that I now have a newfound obsession with birds ( I think its a freedom thing) ;), maybe the china would distract me from getting an actual bird. haha. would smell better too!
