Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Late Fall

More pics of life here. I have very much enjoyed dressing Virginia in all of her pink and smocked outfits. What a cutie
Funny girl
Nice little dirty face
not sure how I feel about this technology thing, but D seems to enjoy it.
V in her vintage sweater
D doing a bit of reading to Virginia
Davis in his pumpkin shirt he made at school, having a hug from Papa
Happy girl
Davis wore this shirt and sweater combo in a picture (he was 10 weeks not 6 months but that's ok)
Little smilers
Our halloween get-ups
D at his school 'parade'
D with Daddy
Davis and his buddy
Later, Virginia changed into her evening attire, prior to trick-or-treating
ready to go
The big moment
Such a good pic of the two of them
We went to a fall carnival at the church near our house for most of the evening
D loved it
Later that night in her ghost shirt.
This is what happens when people give you their hand-me-downs. It's too hard to choose just one outfit!!


In October we visited Hanner and Pappy at the beach. I love the beach in October. We had a great time, of course.

Aunt Katie
A little "topside" for Virginia
A beautiful, calm, ocean.
A happy kid

A bit of chocolate milk in the morning
A bit of snuggle time too
Virginia's first beach time
Love these pics

We really had fun. It was nice to spend an extended time with friends and family.
Davis "played" the ukelele with Mr. Wylie, a neighbor. He loved it!
At Pickles in Seaside, of course.
The big paddler
Uncle Clint.

Early Fall

A few very delayed pics, but isn't that the theme of my blog?
Em, Chris and the kids visited again in September. We went to a farm show.
Looking at "old timey" trucks as D calls them.
D driving his Deere
Checking out the chickens
Miss V in her pink
V has her first cereal, she liked, sort of.
Parker group pile