Friday, August 19, 2011


Couple of cute ones of Virginia. I love this one.
But not as much as I love this one, seriously adorable!
What a good big brother!
Nice snuggle time!

Davis is 3!!

Davis had a great 3rd Birthday! I can't believe he is so old. I swear it was yesterady that he looked like this.
He came down the stairs and said "it's my birthday!"

But, now he is a big boy and loves his Waffle House. Yum!! D with his favorite waitress Dusty.

Later we had a cupcake party at Mimi and Papa's house.
Davis "McCann". He LOVES his catcher garb, thanks Hanner and Pappy!
A batting tee to practice with
Virginia obviously enjoyed the party too, well at least enjoyed the conversation with Papa.
A puzzle (still loves Thomas)

Happy Birthday to our sweet little boy Davis, we love you so much and we're so proud of him! We're so grateful to God for blessing us with him.

Davis is 3!!

Davis had a great 3rd Birthday! I can't believe he is so old. I swear it was yesterady that he looked like this.But, now he is a big boy and loves his Waffle House. Yum!! D with his favorite waitress Dusty.

Later we had a cupcake party at Mimi and Papa's house.
Davis "McCann". He LOVES his catcher garb, thanks Hanner and Pappy!
A batting tee to practice with
Virginia obviously enjoyed the party too, well at least enjoyed the conversation with Papa.
A puzzle (still loves Thomas)

Happy Birthday to our sweet little boy Davis, we love you so much and we're so proud of him!