Friday, July 23, 2010

Birthday, part Uno....

Happy Birthday little man! We are so blessed to have you in our lives, we love you so much!!
Good morning!
Card and gift card from Grandma Lynn and Grandpa George...
Another nice hot day, slightly shriveled baloons...
My big boy!
After swimming..
Meeting Daddy for lunch in Senoia
Mmm, ketchup!
A few gifts on Daddy's lunch break,

Oooh, on the front-end loader!
Look closely, he's the equipment operator today
Dump trucks, Daddy!
Cupcakes after dinner
Mmm, frosting! Thanks Mimi and Boppa!
1st Braves game pics from Pappy and Hanner, Braves on the TV in the background of course.
What a fun-filled birthday for everyone! Thank you for all our blessings, we are grateful. How much you have taught us in 2 years, and so much more to learn!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I like July when it rains. (Obvious driveway modifications need to be made, but) Green grass and flowers are nice!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

July, so far

It's been so hot, I know, it's July, but really. We still spend plenty of time outside, but once in a while it's nice to be relaxed, indoors. Davis brought his lawnmower in the other day, I guess it needed some maintenance.
Daddy and D did a little swap with their shades. Just because you are indoors doesn't mean you can't look cool. Or something like that...

JULY 4th! We had awesome weather. I don't remember a July 4th when it was so nice. We went to the parade, D loved it. He's wearing a frisbee on his head. Doesn't everyone on the 4th?
I love his halo in this shot.
They handed out popsicles, I was surprised he ate it but he seemed ok with the sugar. He does like cold stuff, so maybe that was it. I'm sure he would have preferred it to be a salt lick.
Later we went to the pool with friends. He hadn't been in one for a while, but he had fun.
Like I said, it's all about the salt. Obviously Ty's child.
Eventually, we came home and the guys got some good drawing time in. D always wants Ty to draw a school bus.
Davis had his first swim lesson on the 5th. Here he's just gotten in the water, a bit unsure but fun. He had never been under water but that was quickly fixed. Niki is in our small group and teaches infant/child swimming. She is an ISR instructor and is amazing. Here's her website.

He cried a lot the first day, but as you can see he recovered.
He really has liked it. It's hard work, but for 10 mins every day. It's a great program.
Lastly, we FINALLY got some rain on Friday and Saturday. There was a LOT of wind and trees were down all over town. We went for a golf cart ride and found a few trees blocking the path. Ty slid down a slope to take a closer look.
I'm sure he'll get to use his chainsaw soon....