Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day Etc....

Quick update via pics....

Uncle Tom and Aunt Barb visited us on their way up from Florida. Davis enjoyed some good reading time.
D doing a little cleaning around the house. Nice.

Father's day, hanging out with Boppa
Working the magnets on the fridge, sweet outfit.
Fun with Daddy, yay no beard!
Fun with Mamma (yay, no beard)

Friday, June 04, 2010

Memorial Day

Memorial weekend @ the Parker casa was good, productive and relaxing. Nice change.

We got some work done around the house, D was very helpful.
We went to Senoia, where Ty builds, for their celebration. D was into it. Who let grizzly Adams push the stroller?
We had a great time, D really liked the flags.
The garden grew a lot. We picked our first squash and zucchini. Looks like we need to pick some cucumbers too.